Confidently Order without Waste
Decide which package best suites your goals & needsWhatever Your Product -Your Scope is Covered!
Counter Top Surfaces
Vertical Surface Applications
Cabinets, Casework & Millwork
Shower & Bath Units
Fixtures & Appliances
Window Applications & Sills
As a material supplier, your clients rely on you to bring in only the necessary scope to complete the project. No more & no less.
Our takeoff services will help you dial in to the exact quantities that need be ordered - giving you the confidence that no matter the size of project, you will not be short material or stuck with costly inventory!
Whether you're importing pre-manufactured countertops, raw materials such as tile flooring or unique scope such as custom shower units, we've got you covered.
Service Packages
Estimator's Package
Highly Detailed & ComprehensiveNeed a full team to support your clients? This package is for you. We will take your project and provide a highly detailed scope list. Use the custom worksheets for yourself or import the data into your quote system – and you’re ready to submit the bid!
Basic Scope Package
When Simplicity is All You NeedWhen all you need is a simple quantity, lineal footage or square foot takeoff – we’ve created the best solution for you. This mid-level, hourly package allows you to take advantage of our services and efficiently suppliment your estimating team & bids.
Monthly Subscriptions
Packages Start atBoost your bid capacity or suppliment your team's efforts with our monthly subscriptions.
With 6 bids per month, we offer two packages that will save you 40% off our hourly rates, giving you the consistency and reliability in your bid efforts.
Connect with us!
As an importer, AimBolt has allowed me to focus on customer service and winning the next project. I don’t need a whole lot of detail for my takeoffs – but I need them to be very accurate. I get that accuracy with every job I send to Jason’s team!
We want to get to know you!
Connect with us here and we’ll schedule our introductory call!
The more we know about the products you supply, the quicker we can get qualified takeoffs and bid documents into your hands!
We look forward to serving you!